vineri, 30 octombrie 2009

Show Desktop XP Style in Windows 7

Mi-a adus matusa de curand si mie un Windows 7, si sunt foarte extaziat :)
Arata bine, se misca excelent.

Punctual, m-a deranjat ca Show Desktop este acum in dreapta langa ceas. Dar exista o modalitate de a-l aduce in stanga, langa Start.

Gasiti aici un how-to excelent.

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

Ax Crypt (software)

* Program freeware de criptare a fisierelor in Windows
* Integrare in Windows Explorer
* Protejare prin parola (si "cheie" software externa)

"Security provided by AxCrypt
The following is true of a file encrypted with AxCrypt:
* If you are using a key-file, your information is protected by the full 128-bit strength of AES – currently considered unfeasible to break.
* If you are using a pass phrase only, AxCrypt will protect your information within the limits of that pass phrase. If it’s too short, security suffers. Anything shorter than 10 characters is short. Full 128-bit strength requires a meaningless sequence of at least 22 characters."

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

Gmail POP3 settings

Gmail POP3 Settings

Incoming Mail:
Outgoing Mail:
Account Name: (Note that it is your full email address)
Click “My server requires authentication”
Gmail doesn’t use default ports, the ports are:
SMTP or Outgoing Mail: 465
POP3 or Incoming Mail: 995
Also click “This server requires a secure connection (SSL)”